Family Finances
Protecting Yourself On Social Media

Let's discuss the risks associated with social media use and explore ways to safeguard yourself and your loved ones on these platforms ...

Family Finances
Insuring Your Property

Insuring your property is necessary for proper maintenance as it protects your home and other possessions from theft or damage. Most banks and mortgage lenders require ...

Family Finances
Am I Being Phished?

Scams happen more often than you think, especially with modern-day technology. Now, you don't need to leave your home ...

Family Finances
Preparing Your Teen for Their First Job

Encouraging your teen to secure their first job is significant. It's an opportunity for them to contribute to expenses, gain independence, and acquire ...

Family Finances
2024 Child Tax Credits

The child tax credit is a tax benefit the federal government offers U.S. taxpayers with children. Claiming child tax credits, family credits, ...

Family Finances
How to Spot a Money Wiring Scam

Wire transfers and online payments are excellent ways to transfer funds to individuals and businesses. However, digital payments are immediate ...

Family Finances
Spotting Health Insurance Scams

Scammers often aim to steal your money and identity by exploiting those confused about health insurance laws and plans. Health insurance scams ...

Family Finances
Considering a Financial Caregiver

Getting older comes with a lot of unique challenges. One such challenge is a decline in mental abilities. When you've had an aging parent who has experienced a decrease in ...

Family Finances
What is Financial Therapy?

Money is a sensitive and personal topic for most people, and it can evoke strong emotions and often be a source of stress and anxiety. Struggling to pay bills ...

Family Finances
Avoiding Tax Penalties

Mistakes are common when filing and paying your taxes. In such a case, it's best to know what types of penalties you can incur and how to calculate them ...

Family Finances
What Is Umbrella Insurance?

Everyone should consider getting liability insurance, regardless of their circumstances. You might think you'll never be responsible for injury or property damage; however, ...

Family Finances
What Is Skimming?

Skimming is a form of identity theft that extracts credit card information when you use the card in a modified public card reader. Skimmers are typically installed on ATMs ...

Family Finances
What Is a Custodial IRA?

Most parents worry about their children as they grow up; however, you'd think that would stop once they reach adulthood. Parents always look to set their children up for a ...

Family Finances
Selling Your Car

If you plan on selling your car, there are various ways you should consider so that you can get the best price for your vehicle. The main methods focus on trading in your car ...

Family Finances
How Credit Card Dumps Work

Credit cards are everywhere; not only do most people have one, but many have several. Unfortunately, some individuals are looking to steal your credit card information ...

Family Finances
Budgeting For Your Big Day

Most people do not want to start their marriage off with unnecessary debt. Yet, in 2021 in the U.S., the average wedding cost was $28,000, according to The Knot ...

Family Finances
Furnishing Your New Space

Furnishing a new home or a new apartment can be stressful, especially if you don't have a plan. There are multiple factors to consider ...

Family Finances
Reviewing Your Medical Bill

A medical crisis comes with several challenges. First is understanding the course of action and treatment plan recommended by your physician. Next is following the ...

Family Finances
Should You Get a Prenup?

No one wants to think about ending a marriage before it even begins. However, the American Psychological Association reports that about 40 to 50 percent of married couples ...

Family Finances
Digital (or Virtual) Credit Cards

Data breaches occur all the time these days. They hardly make the news headlines anymore. One of the outcomes of these widespread breaches is that some credit card companies ...

Family Finances
Getting to Zero Waste

People are growing more concerned every day about the impact we will have (and have already) on our planet. Many have already taken massive ...

Family Finances
What’s Your Password Strategy?

People are growing more concerned every day about the impact we will have (and have already) on our planet. Many have already taken massive ...

Family Finances
Scammers and the Coronavirus

Coronavirus has shown us some of the best and worst in humanity. We have seen medical professionals, truck drivers, and other front line workers step up to the ...

Family Finances
Stop the Robocalls!

Google, Apple, T-Mobile, and the U.S. government are each working hard to end robocalls as well as other types of phone-based spam. While we all wait for these calls ...

Family Finances
What is a Spoofing Attack?

Spoofing is where an unknown person disguises communications as a trusted and known source. It is a form of cyberattack that ...

Family Finances
Creating a Power of Attorney

You may have wondered what happens if your aging parent ends up losing their ability to make financial or health decisions. How will you or other family members help them ...

Family Finances
Revisiting Your Budget During a Crisis

Many Americans found themselves in the throes of the COVID-19 crisis before they fully understood what was going on. For many, news of the virus was distant and remote ...

Family Finances
Liquidating a Loved One's Estate

When a person passes away, the liquidation of their estate is administered by an executor. Being selected as an executor is an honor. However, it can also be an obligation ...

Family Finances
Making a Comeback from a Financial Setback

Financial setbacks happen. Even the most cautious of consumers have been caught unaware by an unexpected bill, the loss of a job, or other emergencies ...

Family Finances
Searching for Unclaimed Money

You have probably seen advertisements advising you to search for unclaimed money. Many people dismiss the offers as potential scams or information grabs ...

Family Finances
Identity Protection Services

It is now more important than ever to protect your identity. As more companies reveal data breaches on large scales, the need for ...

Family Finances
Preparing for an Economic Downturn

Economic uncertainty remains despite an economy that has been growing in recent years. The massive recession that created such turmoil in the world’s ...

Family Finances
Things Your Grade Schooler Should Know About Money

It is more important today than perhaps at any other recent time for children to be financially literate. Unfortunately, financial literacy is not something ...

Family Finances
Things Your High Schooler Should Know About Money

If you are like most parents with children in high school, you are so busy trying to stay ahead of expenses that you do not have time to ...

Family Finances
Building a Cash Wedding Registry

Once upon a time, it would have been the ultimate taboo to ask for cash as part of a wedding gift registry. Back in the day, couples were starting out ...

Family Finances
Should You Take the Travel Insurance?

Almost anytime you book travel online or over the phone, websites or agents will ask whether you would like to purchase travel insurance for your trip ...

Family Finances
Making Financial Preparations for Maternity Leave

The weeks and months leading up to your maternity leave are as exciting as they are terrifying. You have spent many months preparing for the changes to take place ...

Family Finances
Managing Your Child Care Expenses

Most people who are preparing for the first baby are shocked and even dismayed to learn just how high childcare costs can be. According to the ...

Family Finances
Qualifying for Your First Apartment

It can be very exhilarating when you are about to rent your first apartment. However, it can also be a little overwhelming since the process is unfamiliar ...

Family Finances
Becoming Financially Independent

Financial freedom often begins by becoming financially independent. Many people do not realize how financially ...

Family Finances
Housing Scams to Avoid

A great apartment is hard to find. Unfortunately, your efforts might be made more difficult by the proliferation ...

Family Finances
Going from Homeowner to Renter

As people weigh future lifestyle options, one choice frequently being evaluated by individuals facing retirement ...

Family Finances
The Advantages of Health Savings Accounts

Consider your HSA to act much as a personal savings account does. The only difference is that the funds ...

Family Finances
Take Advantage of Two-Step Authentication

Instances of hacking and cyber crimes are becoming more prevalent in society today. That presents a real challenge for ...

Family Finances
Are You Prepared Financially for a Natural Disaster?

With the world's many tornadoes, earthquakes and tsunamis, many people have been given an in-depth look at ...

Family Finances
When Your Home is a Money Pit

Nobody wants a house riddled with unexpected, continuous problems that will drain his or her bank account ...

Family Finances
Raising Financially Literate Children

As a parent, you have probably had a child plead with you to buy something for them when you are in a store. Moreover, when told "no," those pleas ...

Family Finances
Managing Debt When You're Unemployed

Debt. It is one of those words that strikes fear into the hearts of people everywhere. It is even worse when the rug is pulled out from under you, ...

Family Finances
Homeowner's Insurance That's Right for You

When it comes to buying homeowner’s insurance, you will find that there is a gulf of difference between coverages available ...

Family Finances
Managing Moving Expenses

Do you think hiring professionals will cost you more than moving yourself? Think again. Although it might ...