Credit and Debt
Travel Reward Programs

You can accumulate free travel rewards using your credit card for everyday purchases. It's true! However, it is important to approach travel reward programs ...

Credit and Debt
Fee-Based vs No-Fee Credit Cards

We typically have a natural aversion to additional costs, such as fees. While this approach often proves beneficial, there are circumstances when paying fees may ...

Credit and Debt
Debt Ratios and Debt Loads

Lenders use several factors to determine if they can lend to a person. They are looking at how much risk they take if they lend to someone. The lender's goal is ...

Money Management
Types of Savings Goals

Where do you start when it comes to saving money? Many people recognize the need to put money aside, but they have many ideas on what to save for – how do you know ...

Money Management
Understanding Your Income and Expenses

To create an accurate budget, you must understand your income and expenses. Many people think they know how much they are spending month-to-month on various ...

Money Management
What Is a Cash Management Account?

Cash management accounts, or CMAs, are cash accounts offered by wealth management, investment, and brokerage companies that provide some of the best features of ...

Workplace Finance
2023 & 2024 Maximum 401(k) Contribution Limits

A 401(k) plan offered by your employer is one of the easiest ways to save for retirement. Typically, these retirement plans will let you invest a tax-free ...

Workplace Finance
Understanding Pension Plans

Pension plans can be a significant source of retirement income for many retirees. Employers often use pension plan benefits to attract and retain quality employees ...

Workplace Finance
Hourly and Salaried Employment

The Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 standardizes the structure of any given job within the United States. The FLSA declares that all employees, regardless of ...

Tax Implications of Home Ownership

Owning a home carries several tax implications that you should know about before you decide to buy. The U.S. Tax Code provides a few tax benefits, including reducing your tax obligations ...

Retirement Tax Planning

Benjamin Franklin remarked, "Nothing is certain except death and taxes." Even today, this sentiment holds relevance. It underscores the importance of tax ...

Key Mortgage Terms

Choosing to buy a home is a straightforward decision, but navigating the home loan process can be intricate, with many mortgage terms that might be new to you ...

Paying for College
The ROI of Education

Committing to higher education, whether through a student loan or directly from your savings to cover tuition, room, and board, represents a significant ...

Paying for College
Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF)

Working in government service or for a non-profit organization might qualify you for the public service loan forgiveness program (PSLF). However, to fully qualify ...

Paying for College
Are Online Degrees Worth It?

In the fall of 2018, around 3.26 million students (16.6% of all U.S. higher education students) were enrolled in exclusive online education courses, according to the ...

Retirement Tax Planning

Benjamin Franklin remarked, "Nothing is certain except death and taxes." Even today, this sentiment holds relevance. It underscores the importance of tax ...

Researching Investments

Investments are intoxicating mixtures of risks with the potential for varying degrees of reward. Successful investors learn to balance the two to find a ...

Factoring Family Into Your Retirement Plan

Retirement planning becomes significantly more challenging when you factor in family considerations. You'll have to account for the expenses of ...

Family Finances
Protecting Yourself On Social Media

Let's discuss the risks associated with social media use and explore ways to safeguard yourself and your loved ones on these platforms ...

Family Finances
Insuring Your Property

Insuring your property is necessary for proper maintenance as it protects your home and other possessions from theft or damage. Most banks and mortgage lenders require ...

Family Finances
Am I Being Phished?

Scams happen more often than you think, especially with modern-day technology. Now, you don't need to leave your home ...

Small Business
Direct Marketing Basics

Direct marketing is still effective. The hype and effectiveness of online contact get the most buzz ...

Small Business
Branding Your Business

An effective branding strategy makes your business stand out in a competitive marketplace. Online, it helps ...

Small Business
Affordable Marketing Strategies for Startups

Although running a startup business can be exciting, there is much strategic planning involved to get customers without ...